At the final gala of the competition "Science in 3 Minutes", which took place on February 19 at the Estonian Academy of Sciences, five outstanding young scientist laureates were announced. One of the recipients of the award was Liis Lutter, a researcher at BioCC OÜ and a doctoral student at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Congratulations!
In her presentation “ Bread starter – the mysterious world of microbes”, Liis Lutter introduced the microbial community of industrial bread starters and its stability, and explained how it would be possible to modernize the production technology of bread starters. A more detailed overview of Liis's research is provided in the article “Sourdough research gives new life to industrial breadmaking” published on the ERR science news portal Novaator .
The aim of the competition “Science in 3 Minutes” organised by the Estonian Academy of Sciences is to provide young scientists with practical experience in presenting their research to the public and presenting their research. The competitors in the competition had to present their research in a practical, understandable and exciting way in just three minutes. The final was preceded by internal university competitions, training courses on developing presentation skills and writing a popular science article.
The jury for the 2024-2025 competition was led by Mart Saarma, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. The jury also included TV journalist Heleri All, Kristjan Järve, member of the board of the Inclusive Financial Technology Foundation, Katrin Kiisler, Head of the Research and Development Policy Department of the Ministry of Education and Research, Paavo Nõgene, CEO of Tallink Group, Indrek Tammeaid, strategy and management advisor and innovation expert, and Toomas Vaimann, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
The winners of the competition will be able to participate in the international conference on science communication PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) to be held in Aberdeen, Scotland, from 27 to 29 May 2025 as a prize trip.
